James Hunt, the current holder of the Premier Concours Silver trophy, was the victor again at the British Mini Clubs Mini Fest at Stanford Hall when he won the best Mini Of The Day with his lovely Mini MK1 Austin Se7en. A unanimous decision by the judges on the day because it really is a superb Mini. Especially if you know its story from basically a scrap Mini and built at home to what it is now.
The concours is kindly sponsored by Meguiars UK and this now means that James and his Mini now go forward to represent the marque at the NEC Classic Motorshow in November. This is an incredible honour and we know James will do very well. No pressure of course.
The concours provided some excellent competition again this year and is starting to grow again. It was so good to see so many quality 90’s Mini’s enter. Did you see Alan Slaters recently restored ex Police Mini, now that was quality. We also saw Andy Coxon entering concours for the very first time with his retro style 90’s Mini taking a win in the modified class
Modern MINI concours continues to grow every year. The recently rebuilt R52 cabriolet really was superb and deserved to win the Gen 1 class. The underbody was just perfect. We have always said a clean underbody wins trophies.
Show N Shine this year was moved to a slightly different position to the left of the Hall and looked wonderful with so many awesome Mini’s taking part. The Mini Busa was the star for us. It just looked so good and such a piece of engineering. Though it is always nice to see a standard MK1 Mini to the very latest incarnation in the form of the MINI EV
Club Stands were just brilliant as always with a theme of 1960’s Hippies, yep some of us are old enough to remember those days. Skidmark Mini Club really took the theme to heart with an excellent stand of flower power and hippie style clothing and Mini’s bedecked in flowers. Well done to everyone involved. Also thank you to all clubs for putting on superb displays. We hope you enjoyed your new position alongside the River Avon
We would like to say thank you to every single person for taking part, and everyone who came along, in what was a glorious day. Without you the Mini scene would not be the same.
Also the British Mini Club would like to show our gratitude for the way everyone stood and observed the minutes silence at midday. It was very humbling. Thank you. God Save The King.
Please find below all the results from Sunday at Stanford Hall. We have also uploaded 600 images to our Facebook page. Please pay a visit at www.facebook.com/britishminiclub We will also be posting pictures on Instagram find us @britishminiclub

Stanford Hall 2022 Results
Mini Premier Concours Results
Classic Mini 1960’s
1st Place James 157 AYP
2nd Place Scott Turner YSU 940
3rd Place Micheal Beattie 88 NLY
Classic Mini 1970’s
1st PlaceAlan Slater VKA 290H
2nd Place Liam and Ryan Rippard RWN 246S
3rd Place Peter Norbury
Classic Mini 1980’s
1st Place Richard Sutton G160 NRB
2nd Place James and Farren Edwards G292 NEA
3rd Place Dave Beckett G503 GOC
Classic Mini 1990’s
1st Place Robert Guy V40 LE
2nd Place Will Payton Y469 JUY
3rd Place Oliver Bryant V40 TH
Custom and Modified Mini/MINI
1st Place Andy Coxon
Modern MINI Gen 1
!st Place David Hope GP52 GAB
2nd Place Jamie Lewis W400 RKS
3rd Place Sammie Watts M27 JCW
Modern MINI Gen 2 and 3
1st Place John Kinman MY55 JON
2nd Place Barry Wilson W2 BLW
3rd Place Malcolm Dyke R56 DYK
Best Mini In Show
James Hunt 157 AYP
British Mini Club Show and Shine Results
Mini 1960’s
1st HTP 10E 2nd HJT 226E
Mini 1970’s
1st 582 DFW 2nd MWA 154P
Mini 1980’s
1st GVW 97Y 2nd F554 YGL
Mini 1990’s
1st V77 BHP 2nd R928 CBH
Modern MINI
1st L8 LGW 2nd AF56 FUN
Special Awards
Best Paint Barry Wilson W2 BLW
Best Interior Scott Turner YSU 940
Best Engine Bay John Kinman MY55 JON
Best Presented Oliver Bryant V4 OTH
Best Club Stand
1st Place Skidmark Mini Club
2nd Place Midlands Mini Club
3rd Place Tamworth Miniacs