Paul Smith with his wonderful MK1 Classic Morris Mini Minor won the prestigous silver Premier Trophy at the British Mini Clubs Mini Fair 2 at Stoneleigh on Sunday October 16th. Paul managed to secure 197pts out of 200. One point seperated the Mini’s right down to Steve Moore and his GP in fifth place with 193pts. It was very much a close run thing. Our judges, Vaughun Horden and George Marsh spent about 3 hours judging the 12 Mini’s. They had all earned the right to be on the carpet at Mini Fair 2 by winning the respective concours classes at Himley Hall and Mini Fest during the year. You can see Paul Smiths Mini on the British Mini Club stand at the NEC Classic Car Show in November.
We love the Show N Shine as the quality is great without the pressure of concours. Some fantastic Mini’MINI’s on display as well. We gave extra space to the modern MINI as so many wanted to display at Mini Fair 2. The overall winner was Ashley Rice with his stunning 1980’s Mini. Ashley has owned this Mini since he was 12 years old, taking it apart when he was just 13!! the engine was built by his grandad, he drove up from Plymouth for the day in the pouring rain. Very much well deserved.
Enjoy the video of the build up to winning trophy presentation
Mini Fair 2 2016 Results
Premier Concours Finals 2016
1st Place Paul Smith 759 UYF
2nd Place Christina Moran LCJ 764F
Classic Mini 1960’s
1st place: Sandra Britton PAE
2nd place: Mark Ruff EOD 509D
Classic Mini 1970’s
1st place: Trina Roberts WBF 187S
2nd place John Porter FCA 125S
Classic Mini 1980’s
1st Place Ashley Rice F807 FYD
2nd David James WFH 458X
Classic Mini 1990’s
1st place Lee Roberts E13 LAR
2nd place Tim Wilbur R928 CBH
1st place Sid Mason SYD 488M
2nd place Steve Thomas CO06 PER
Best Show N Shine
Ashley Rice F807 FYD
Did you see the crazy Spookfest on the club stands. Some amazing work had gone into all the stands. A bunch of nuns and a very scary nurse in a red wig. We struggled to decide on a winner and credit must go to Luxe MINI as well as they did a great job. But we finally gave it to Midland Mini’s

Best Club Stand
1st place Midland Mini’s
2nd place Stokes Orange Boxes
3rd Crusty Rusty Mini