James Hunt takes 3 trophies including the prestigious Mini Of The Day with his beautiful MK1 Mini at Himley Hall on the 1st August.
It was so wonderful to be back after 2 years and numerous re-arranged dates for Himley. Full support of Public Health England and others we could finally put on a show.
A packed Show N Shine with many superb Mini’s of all ages including a stunning Mini Clubman that had been driven 200 miles in the rain from Carlisle to be a part of the show. You would never know it had been wet as this Mini was so clean underneath. Maybe concours next time. Numerous turbo charged Mini’s as well. One had only only just had the clutch seal sorted on Friday. Steve Blakemore with his incredible Turbo Cooper telling us how much he was enjoying Show N Shine as it was so relaxing and great to chat to people.
Here is a question, when did you last see 2 ERA Turbo’s together at a show?How wonderful was that. We think, the green one might have been the same Mini that was launched at one of our shows way back in 1989. If anyone can confirm this please get in touch
Concours was excellent as always . Kindly sponsored by Branson Automotive, Auto Glym James Hunt’s MK1 Mini took the top prize of the day. But Vince and Fred with the incredible Lambo Door Gen 2 MINI run him a very close to the big prize of the day. It’s lovely to see everyone in concours taking the to chat to people about their pride and joys. All class winners won a a very nice bag of goodies from Auto Glym
The 90’s class is one to watch in the future with 3 Mini 40’s taking part and all top quality. Maybe one to keep an eye on at Stanford Hall in September.
Check out the full results below from a great day. Images of all winners collecting trophies available in the Himley album on facebook www.facebook.com/britishminiclub
A big thank you for all the Mini clubs that took part. It was great to see everyone enjoy Himley Hall and finally getting together agin after such a long time
British Mini Day Concours and Show N Shine Results Himley Hall 2021
Classic Mini
1st James Hunt 157 AYP 195 points
1st Liam and Ryan Rippard RWN 246S 183 points
2nd Ian Ashton POD 995M 69 points
1st James Edwards G292 NEA 192 points
2nd Brenda Roberts F939 VFA 185 points
3rd Tony Hughes G495 BUY 179 points
1st Sara and David Macdarmid BJ51 OOG 188 points
2nd Rob Guy V4 OLE 178 points
3rd Oliver Bryant V4 OTH 176 points
Van-Pick Up
1st Mark Leary 877 UKP 180 points
2nd John Porter NNB 269G 149.59 points
3rd Louise Kelly FVW 279Y 129 points
Modified and Custom
1st Jake Willis CUJ 647T 197 points
2nd Mark Leary E12 MNG 196 points
3rd Simon Morris B871 KSA 187 points
Cooper and Coopers
1st Barry Chipman LHH 258D 192 points
Modern MINI
1st Trevor Robinson DU52 CRX 160 points
2nd Syd Mason SYD 488M 157 points
3rd Andrew Shenton WD55 BXN 115 points
2007 Onwards
1st Vince and Fred VW08 ONG 192 points
2nd John Kinman MY55 JON182 points
3rd Malcolm Dyke PK10 JHU
Best Of Section
Best Paint MY55 JON
Best Engine 157 AYP
Best Interior VW08 ONG
Best Presented RWN 246S
Best Club Stand
1st Skidmark Mini Club
2nd Market Drayton Mini’s On A Mission
3rd North West Mini Meets
Best Mini In Show
James Hunt 157 AYP
Show N Shine Results
Classic Mini
Mini 1960’s
1st 1958 UN
2nd NUK 505E
Mini 1970’s
1st VHN 111S
2nd KGW 692K
Mini 1980’s
1st KOX 471S
2nd EDV 451V
Mini 1990’s
1st K114 EDP
2nd 4984 ULL
Modern MINI
1st HF05 DPE
2nd T6 JWS