Mini Clubs Himley Hall

Himley Hall 2023 – Club Results

Wowzer!! Did you see the club stands at Himley Hall ? We asked for crowns to celebrate the Coronation of King Charles lll Boy did we get crowns. We also got Kings and Queens seated on Thrones, Beefeaters and loads more. We had Guards Of Honour on Club stands and even re-enactments of changing of… Read more

British Mini Day - Himley Hall 2023

Himley Hall 2023 Report And Results

What a great day at our British Mini Day at Himley Hall during the celebration weekend for the coronation of King Charles lll.  Gorgeous sunny weather on the Sunday even hitting the dizzy heights of 20 degrees, proper Himley weather. Set up day on Saturday was torrential rain for most of the day. A massive… Read more